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New world – new approach; online interview tips

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused an unprecedented shift in interview scenarios around the globe.  Many organisations pressed pause on their recruitment – others such as key worker organisations had to implement and adjust very quickly to a new way of recruiting to meet social distancing measures – welcome to online interviews.

Now (only 4 months in) the new normal is an online interview;  they are here to stay (because they are a cost effective way to perform 1st line interviews for most organisations), and as such we need to address some top tips to help you prepare.

  • Check that your phone/ laptop have the required software to enable the interview to take place; ensure you have a good wifi/roaming signal and that you have  checked the camera placement will show you clearly during the interview (and you know how to adjust the audio levels)
  • Don’t hold your laptop/ phone during the interview; place your technology on a hard surface to minimise movement (not your knees)
  • If you are using a phone or a laptop in an area where you cant ‘plug into the mains’ – check your battery level and charge in advance of the interview
  • Just in case your bandwidth drops/glitches – remember (and not ideal) but you can often turn your video function off and maintain the call without visuals
  • If possible try to be in a room or location that is quiet and hopefully without too many distractions and remember to switch off all your technology alerts and chats until after the interview
  • Be clean and smart – dress in the same way that you would, should you be attending the interview in person (including not wearing pyjama bottoms – that you think can’t be seen) dressing for the interview puts you in the right frame of mind to conduct yourself professionally throughout
  • Punctuality remains very important; please ensure you are ready at your interview time to dial in:- you might want to log in early to check your technology again!?
  • Ensure you prepare for this interview in the same way as you would for a face to face interview; you have re-read your application form (and have it next to you to reflect on during the interview), prepared any questions you would like to ask and have researched the company and their operation again – Don’t try to wing it; it doesn’t work
  • Don’t be afraid to look at the camera – and smile… yes smile your body language is very important during an online interview
  • Don’t be afraid to ask for questions to be repeated, and remember to pay attention to your tone of voice and leave a couple of seconds before answering/raising a question (in case there is a bandwidth lag)
  • Say thank you for your time (or along those lines) upon the close of your interview (you would normally shake hands at that point – remember a meal is only as good as the lasting taste of the coffee/dessert you consumed at the end of it… and smile

I hope this has provided some valuable assistance and guidance, for your next interview. For more helpful tips and advice take a look at our Apprentice Employment  website

Jakki Lovewell – Apprentice Employment Agency Jakki is a respected forward-thinking, innovative operational management specialist in the apprentice employment/recruitment sector.

With nearly 20 years of experience providing innovative and creative solutions at a senior level working in the education management industry. Developing systems/procedures and cultures that ensure legal, regulatory requirements for service delivery.

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