How to create job adverts that attract the right candidates - Article by Penny Wallace
Recruitment has never been more competitive than it is right now.
People are spending less time applying for roles and more time searching for that “perfect, ticks every box” job.
With the rise and development of flexible working, people are more focused on finding a company that allows them a work / life balance, somewhere where they can grow and learn and a role that they can really enjoy.
So with that being said, to ensure that you are getting the right sort of candidates applying for your roles, you need to ensure that you are targeting the right audience and not just focusing on the day to day responsibilities. What are the company values? What is the culture of the team? These are the things that will retain your candidates
If your business is going through a period of change, the culture may be impaired – this isn’t necessarily a ‘negative’ as such. Some candidates thrive in this sort of environment, they meet resistance with resilience and understanding, they know how to resolve potential issues and be that sound board for employees. If you aren’t making the need for this type of character clear in your advert you will be shortlisting for a very long time and potentially miss-selling the role, which in turn increases the risk of drop outs further down the line.
Everyone knows the role isn’t necessarily as fluffy as the job advert makes out, so being clear from the offset is only going to save yours and your candidate’s time.
1. Talk about the company culture
As above, this is one of the most important aspects of a role.
Role responsibilities are typically pretty similar wherever you go, what really stands out is the company culture, if you have a toxic work environment you may experience more performance and absence issues than usual and may even struggle to retain staff as a result of this.
Making sure you give an accurate description of the culture is essential. Every business is different and every business has its quirks and some individuals will suit some cultures better than others. Use your culture as a selling point.
2. Use technical language
If you’re recruiting within a niche market, maybe a HRIS Officer or Systems specialist you will need to use their jargon.
Not only does this add more validity to the advert but it will wean off any unsuitable candidates who don’t have the essential technical experience for the role.
Using the right jargon is going to save you time and also enhances your credibility.
3. Simple Format
Keep the format of the advert clear and concise.
I would try to avoid long paragraphs at all costs, we as humans are hardwired to be lazy, and you will lose the candidates interest straight away.
I would go for a couple of short paragraphs and stick with bullet points, clear, concise and straight to the point.
4. Keep it down to the main deliverables
Try to keep your advert down to the main deliverables of the role, you can run through extra duties during the screening stage of the process.
If you’re recruiting for an HR Generalist whose main focus is going to be employee relations and change management, you need to emphasise this in your advert.
What sort of cases will they be managing? Will they be leading on the cases or providing administrative support?
If they are an experienced HR Professional they should be familiar with the basics of a Generalist role and you can always run through this in more detail when you have your initial chat. But I would say put a bigger focus on the absolute essentials of the role to ensure you have the right calibre of candidates applying
5. Shout about your Benefits Package
If you offer a good Employee Benefits package – shout about this!
Candidates now look at the bigger picture. It is not just about the basic salary. If you offer a fantastic pension or have employee benefits such as flexi hours, remote working, and private healthcare etc., then this can help sell the role. Especially in today’s age, with SMART/flexible working being one of the most popular perks, be sure to reference this in your advert – your competitors might be and they could be getting your candidates.
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