Donating to Long Eaton & Sawley Foodbank
Our parent company Nicholas Associates Group announced the ‘Walk and Talk – 50 for 50’ initiative in February across all our brands.
Those who took part pledged to walk the equivalent of 5,000 steps per day throughout February. At the end of the month, each person having walked 5,000 steps per workday had walked 50 miles.
Our Board Directors agreed to reward every successful business unit with £50 to purchase goods for a food bank of our choice.
We decided to donate our non-perishable goods to the lovely Pat at Long Eaton & Sawley Foodbank who are linked with The Trussell Trust.
The Trussell Trust operates 1,200 centres across the UK.
Their vision is for a UK without the need for food banks.
They support a nationwide network of food banks and together provide emergency food and support to people locked in poverty, and campaign for change to end the need for food banks in the UK.
They recognise that ending hunger is about more than food. They support and encourage their food banks to provide compassionate, practical support to people in crisis to tackle the root causes that lock people into poverty and build people’s resilience so they are less likely to need a food bank in the future.
The 50 for 50 initiative was a huge success across the business. In total throughout February, we walked 2,764 miles across the Nicholas Associates Group brands. That’s the equivalent of walking from Lands End to John O’Groats, back to Lands End and then back to John O’Groats.
We are extremely proud of how successful this initiative was and pleased to have supported a fantastic cause!